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Olivier Gavin

A qualified occupational therapist (HES – Lausanne), Olivier Gavin has always had a keen interest in the individual, whether in a helping relationship or through the expression of the self via artistic practices. He seeks to understand the individual within their broader system and offers personalized solutions to help each person gain autonomy and confidence on their path to well-being. Fascinated by images, symbols, creativity, and childhood from an early age, he left his position as an occupational therapist at the University Hospital of Geneva to pursue a five-year program at the Haute École d'Art et de Design (HEAD) in Geneva, where he trained in visual arts, sculpture, drawing, and pedagogy. He then continued his studies in London at Goldsmiths University, specializing in art therapy. Upon returning, he undertook a three-year training in neuro-sensory integration. During this period, he realized the need to further his studies in systemic psychology of couples and families in order to better understand the child within their family system and the adult in their parental role. An independent practitioner for twenty years, Olivier Gavin has worked with adults, children, and adolescents with mental and physical health conditions in various institutions, such as the University Hospital of Geneva, the Office Médico-Pédagogique, the CESCO, and the La Métairie Clinic, among others. With thirty years of personal and clinical experience, he has observed how stress and anxiety are detrimental to the body and mind, slowing or even inhibiting learning, adaptation, emotional development, and potentially preventing healing. Through years of reading, training, and personal development, Olivier Gavin realized that sheer willpower is not enough to initiate change. The powers of the mind, imagination, nature, and spirituality play a central role in personal transformation. This process can unfold more naturally, without necessarily relying on willpower or control This is how Olivier Gavin trained in classical hypnosis (Tara Center), then in Ericksonian hypnosis (Brief’r, ASCA), and various other techniques in this field: past-life regression, olfactory and spiritual hypnosis, Reiki yoga from the Himalayas (SRSG India), and relaxation (ASCA). He has been practicing the art of hypnosis for fifteen years with renewed enthusiasm and joy. Based on neuropsychological principles, his method favors a holistic, multi-sensory approach. Depending on the request, he may sometimes combine this approach with an artistic practice. This allows each individual to enhance their creative potential and personal resources, connecting to the incredible power of their unconscious, which can guide and support them toward a desired change or help them adapt to a new situation that life presents. He works with families and collaborates with doctors, teachers, psychologists, and other therapists. He is guided by an intuitive, sensitive, multi-sensory, and mind-body approach. The individual often draws strength and resources from nature and its elements. In this regard, Olivier Gavin has also trained in certain shamanic practices at Toumo with Maurice Daubard and is currently completing his training in herbalism (ASCA). He works with children, adolescents, young adults, and adults, offering sessions in hypnosis, occupational therapy, and parental coaching. He also organizes workshops and training sessions, including hypnosis, for children, adolescents, adults, parents, and health professionals. “All adults were once children, but few of them remember it." — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
